Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Finally Have A Reason

I stopped writing my blog first because I thought nobody was interested, (most likely true) nobody knew about it (definitely true), and I had lost my Mojo. I felt like I was simply writing for myself about a subject even I wasn't much interested in anymore. But all that changed on a long run listening to the Slow Runners Club podcast and the mentioned Daily Mile. Finally I have found a community I could relate to.

I discovered an 11 minute mile isn't so bad. I always thought I was terrible slow. Turns out I was average or so and that perked me up. Then I read about the mortal humans running their first races and they were so excited! Since I've run a hundred or so in my running career this was an eye opener. The excitement was back...for them and for me. And I met some amazing people. Husbands deployed, friends fighting depression, divorce...all life's little kicks in the onions but they mustered the strength to run. So what was my excuse. I'm a happy guy and I was a lazy guy. Now...the mojo is back.

With the encouragement of some amazon women, I am training for the Pittsburgh Marathon in May 2012, the Ogden Half at the end of May, and the jewel in the crown, the inaugural Canton Marathon when I finally get to meet some of my heroes. The mojo is back. The air doesn't feel as cold in the morning. My body doesn't hurt and the excuses are gone. Time to toughen the fuck up and be a runner.  And that is just what I am going to do.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Crossfit Endurance And Waiting Time

After seeing the doctor yesterday and hearing his opinion (and as I wait for the results of the x-rays) I stayed off my feet and did a Crossfit Endurance workout.
30 - 20 - 10 Reps For Time:  12:11 mins.
Full Cleans (25 lb d.bells)
Bench Presses (60 lbs.) (doesn't sound like anything but do it 60 times)

3 x 30 Decline bench Sit-ups

On The Bike: 8 x 20 secs. all out / 10 secs. recovery.

It was about 45 mins. total with the whole works. Circuit training with weights, hard Ab work and Tabata drills for speed. Very tough workout. And now I wait for the call.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Speed Hiking The Hills

Speed hiked 3.22 miles of high elevation paved trail in about 55 mins. My foot is bothering me and I finally made a doctor appointment for Thursday. I read where when you have pain on the top of your foot associated with swelling that gets worse during the run, it's probably a stress fracture unless proven otherwise. I have to find out. My half marathon is in 27 days. I know I'm in the shape to run it, I just don't know if I would end up in a cast if I try. Time to find out.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Another One For The Military...Bin Laden Is Dead!

Ran 2 easy miles in the rain. I usually take Monday off but it was so warm when I got up, and with my early Monday meeting I never have much time. But today, I put on the sneaks and ran a quick one in under 19 mins. (Quick for me in the rain and in the dark.) Great thing that Garmin. I wanted to run somewhere different so I just took off and when I hit a mile I circled around and headed fast for home. Great run on a warm, wet day.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

For A Fallen Friend

I ran 3 miles today slowly in the pouring rain. Linda A. lost her husband in Afghanistan and a friend of hers ask that we run three miles for her. I thought about going to the gym and getting on the treadmill but it just wouldn't have been right. 3 Miles for Linda A. and her warrior husband.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tabata This!

Figured I'd do a quick but excruciating little form of torture called Tabata. It can be done with almost, rower, sprints, squats....but I choose my spin bike.With those of you not familiar, its a short warm-up followed by all out sprints for 20 seconds followed by only 10 sec. recoveries. You do sets of 8 (4 mins.) spin a little and then repeat 3 more times. Doesn't sound like much does it? Try it some time. Also threw in 5 sets of 50 decline bench sit-ups with a 25 lb. plate on my chest. That finished me off.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Viciousness Of Cross Training

After a 6 miler followed by three days of vicious cross training, it's time for a rest. I feel good though. My legs and right foot aren't hurting and I've been icing as everyone suggested. Back in the saddle tomorrow with a quick three and a long run Sunday. Gonna shine up my Cannondale for a ride this weekend too. It's supposed to be nice.

Oh yeh, meet my clean up crew. Muffy, Duffy and Fluffy. Just friendly neighbors of mine (wink.)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hiking The Grandview Trail

My foot still hurt but I HAD to get outside so I decided to hike the Grandview trail. It's a 4 mile loop of 12% to 15% inclines for a mile and a half, a little ridge line and then back down off the mountain. I fast hiked it in an hour and studied my Garmin the whole way. My heart rate monitor said I was at 154 bpm. That is amazing considering my max rate at my age is only about 160 and I never really felt out of breath. I panted and worked it but i didn't suffer at all.

My pace was 3.3 mph which isn't bad considering the grade and leaning into a howling wind. The downhill side was a quad buster. Great day! It felt so good to get the heart going somewhere other than on a spin bike.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mountain Climbing With Lance

Crossfit Endurance day two. My foot is still swollen so I worked the Crossfit Endurance wod. I warmed up with 5 x 50 bench crunches for abs, (Chica would be so proud of me) and spun on my bike for a couple of miles. The actual workout was a two mile hill climb in the highest resistance you could hold and still maintain at least 60 rpm. My resistance only went to 10 and I could hold 75 rpm so I felt pretty good about that until I got off the bike and crawled up the stairs.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crossfit Endurance Playbook

My foot was sore so I went to the Crossfit Endurance Playbook.
21 - 15 - 9 reps for time = 15 mins.
Lat Pulls / Decline Bench Sit-Ups / Bench Press / Squats
(That's a circuit of the four exercises done for the number of reps continuously with no rest.

4 X 5 Min. all out intervals on the Spin Bike with 3 min. recoveries.

One would think that with one's background in running, this would be a walk in the park. It was indeed a very nasty walk in a very nasty park in a very bad neighborhood. Absolutely kicked my butt. And if you ever try it and it doesn't kick ya, you weren't moving fast enough lol. Killer!

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Little Break In The Action

I't a scheduled Recovery day. I feel good although my foot is barking again. The hard race Saturday night followed but a good 6 miller on Sunday made it sore but I will be all right.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Singing In The Rain

I wanted to run 7 this morning but I got in a good 6 miler. After last night I just wanted to ease into a nice pace but I weighed myself this morning and I was at 167 lbs. That's only 7 lbs. away from goal weight. I felt mean and lean so I pushed it a little and ran it in about an hour. I actually turned around at the 3 mile mark only because the rain really picked up and I had had enough for the day.

I hope all my DM friends ran well this Easter weekend and feel well.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Laziness Overcame Me

No excuses The "Laziness" overcame me. I got up at 5:00 am and rain was smacking against my bedroom window like someone throwing gravel. The gym was closed today for renovations and I just didn't want to go downstairs and spin so.....I went back to bed. I guess an extra day of rest isn't bad as long as it doesn't become a habit. But this fever for going outside in the rain.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Garmin Is Calling Me

My new Garmin is calling me but this is a scheduled day off. Sadly, I will follow my schedule and rest. Love to all my DM friends.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My New Garmin

OK. I ran 5 miles in 55 mins. but that isn't the good (or bad) part. I wore my new Garmin Forerunner 305 for the first time and I discovered something. I'm not quite the slow slug I thought I was. To explain, I have run the same 5 mile (GPS measured) course for years! And I could never break 50 to 55 minutes. It pissed me off and made me feel slow. Today, for the first time, I wore my Garmin and could see my "real time" pace. It turns out that once I get past the road construction, past the grocery store, around the traffic snarl and through the school drop-off, that when the road opens up.....I'm running a 9 min. mile pace like I'm strolling to the frig for a beer.

Do you know how happy that makes me? On an open course, with traffic control, DURING MY HALF MARATHON! (ha!) if I can run through a 9 min. pace, I can beat my goal of two hours for the 13.1! I am so happy. I never got that before because I never saw how much time is wasted waiting for traffic, watching for cars and running around bulldozers. I can't begin to tell you how great a run that 5 miler was or how great I feel. I hope every one of my friends here (all of you) had a day like me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hiding From The Storm

I did 45 mins. of ab work and cardio in my basement today, mostly out of necessity. There was a terrible storm blow through the valley this morning. At one point, I took my pooch and retreated to the basement to be safe just in case. The wind died down a little so I figured I would get something accomplished.

I did 50 decline bench sit-ups, 10 mins. of rope skipping (forgot how hard that was) and then did a 10 mile time trial on my spin bile. I covered 10 miles in just a little over 30 mins. At least I got something out of a bad morning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh Baby It Felt So Good!

Oh Baby It Felt So Good! I was back in my running shoes today. I ran an easy 3 miles in around 35 mins. trying not to stress my foot, but all went well and I was a happy guy. Strangely I found that when I ran faster, I felt much better. Not twangs of pain or soreness. But if I slowed my gait, I felt the little twing that reminds you that it's still there...but getting better.

I don't want to miff my minimalist friends out there but I think the shoes I bought earlier in the season brought on a lot of problems. I bought a pair of Nike Free shoes and excitedly took off in them. Hard runs in the park, intervals on the treadmill and soon I was hurt. I think it was a case of too much too soon. Today, when I shuffled along staying up on my forefoot, it hurt. When I ran faster and I lengthened my stride, I had more of a heel strike which took the pressure off my forefoot and I felt much better. But today, I am a happy man a runner again!

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Nice To Kick Back

Scheduled day off today. I have an early meeting and I don't get hope until late so it's a good day to just kick back. Tomorrow, I try a short run and get back in to the game.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Either Follow, Lead or Get Out Of The Way

I went to the gym today and did an insane hour of ferocious cardio. I think the more "casual" gym go-ers were a little taken aback. I hammered 15 minutes on the Spin bike. I killed an Elliptical machine for 15 and then hit the treadmill for 30 minutes at 10* elevation at 4mph. I was pissed I couldn't run. There was a puddle of sweat under every machine when I was done. I wanted to be wearing Corey's Superman underwear.

I thought of Corey, Nora, Dixie, Skibba, Tim, and everybody that I love on DM and I tried to break every machine. And I wore basketball shoes. I knew if I wore running shoes I would run. So I did what I had to do to rest my foot and ankle and I raised the roof. I love this place and I love you people. Y'all are what I think of when times get tough.

My love to Jodi, Skibba and all the people who raced this weekend. I can't remember them all. I want race reports...we all do. And I am praying for Corey's family and the baby. See ya later.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Watch Out Lance!

I went to my first spin class in a long time. It started at 6:00 am and I was very surprised by the turnout. I thought I was the only one in this hick town who got up this early. Anyway, it was a 45 minute class including 30 second of all out intervals, 60 second intervals (lots of them) and 6 minute, 7 min. and 8 min. hill climbs. I forgot how difficult they were. Then we were led to a large matted room where we did 15 minutes of brutal ab work.

I have to say two things. First, I dearly miss running but this was fun. The time went very fast and I thoroughly enjoyed myself without hurting my foot. Secondly, It was hard. My breathing was excellent but my legs....whole different angle coming at the legs than running. I hope to get back to running very soon but I'm happy today. I feel like I did something.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Day Of Rest And Recovery

Today is a scheduled day of complete rest. My foot is throbbing. I have to come down stairs one at a time. I probably will try a spin class tomorrow morning and see how that goes, but for now, except for working, I am staying off the foot.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Six Mile Suck Fest!

I ran a complete six mile suck fest today. It was supposed to be a 1 mile warm-up, 4 miles tempo run and then a 1 mile cool-down. It wasn't that. The first step I took, pain shot straight through my foot and into my ankle. I hoped that it would loosen up during the warm-up mile but that horrible pain stayed with me from the first step all the way to the last step. And I felt like I was breathing underwater. I simply couldn't breathe. I felt lean and mean when I left the house and was completely humbled in a hundred yards. I don't know. Maybe you need that every once in a while. It might have been my new compression shorts. The were way too tight.

Ok, enough of the whining. Two things I guess I have to offer:
#1. If anybody wants to buy a slightly used pair of Under Armour compression underwear, they are going cheap. (Just kidding. Only I would buy used underwear.)
#2. I am going to reassess my training for a couple weeks. Maybe I need to hammer the elliptical for a couple of weeks and rest the foot. Start back running the first of May. The half marathon is the end of May.

I'll figure it out. Love to all my DM'ers.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stick With The Schedule & Quit Pissin' Around

I ran my scheduled easy 4 miler today at the gym. It was poring rain and 40* and I didn't want to contend with that. I wore my Nike Free shoes (mistake) and immediately felt just how sore my right foot and ankle have become. Nike Free are NOT the shoes to wear when you already have a problem. There just is no support. I'm starting to wonder about these shoes. I suppose if you ran barefoot from childhood, you might be able to run miles in these shoes. But to just buy a pair and take off in them, I found out that is a mistake. Believe me, it is a very special person who can run all their life, and then go barefoot and pound out the miles. I'm afraid these shoes might cost me a racing season. We will see.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Scene From The Treadmill

I ran a scheduled interval workout today. I like doing them on the treadmill (the only thing) and cranked out 8 quarter miles each in slightly under 2 minutes. I paced myself through the first 200 meters and then would kick it just enough to break two minutes. A couple were around 1:58 or so. The surprising thing to me is that I completed 8 quarters and never once was out of breath or struggling. That was a great workout.

My goal for the Ogden Half is to break two hours but that is a tough goal. This course is notorious. It is basically two mountain passes with large rolling hills in between. I've run this race 11 times when it was a 20k and broke two hours easily but this is an additional .7 of a mile. I need a 9 minute mile pace so I work out at 8 min. mile pace. It's a big race. The Kenyans are favored.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Time To Rest A Little

I took my scheduled recovery day today. Yesterday's run beat me up a little. I fired up my new Weber grill and cooked steaks (well, the Goddess did) and had the Princess with me. After the ten mile run, we made short work of the food. Today, I woke up with no pain and just a little stiffness. I'm hoping that I was wrong about the foot injury. Thanks to all for your concern. I'll be fine.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Feels Like San Diego

I ran a 10 miler today out Grave Creek in 1:55.27 on a beautiful sunny day. I sailed along pretty good until the last three miles when my foot began hurting again. I overcompensated for the sore foot which became a sore ankle. I leaned to the left and my left hip and knee began to hurt. So, the last 3 miles were kinda quick but very painful. I still finished it  3 minutes quicker than I have so far this year. I did learn or figure out a few things this run.

#1. The four small bottle hydration belt I wore today is much better than the one 24 oz. bottle belt I have. The even distribution makes it almost unnoticeable when I ran. It's much better for long runs even though I am carrying more weight.
#2. Never sit on a log to take a pebble out of your shoe unless you know what is on the other side. (The sight of a dead rotting dear is normal in WV. They get hit by cars all the time. But the never forget the smell.)
#3. I don't have an ouchey, I have an injury, probably a stress fracture. But I'm not going to the doctor. No fat ass wearing a lab coat is gonna tell me to sit out a few months. Summer is coming. I stop running when my foot snaps in half.

Love to you all in DM land.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

You Ever Have One Of Those Days?

I took a recovery day today that I hated to take.  I've had have a rather sore foot since my long run last Sunday. Of course I continued to run on it and it hasn't got better. Last night while carrying out the garbage, I stepped on the edge of a stair tread and twisted the ankle of the sore foot. Beautiful. I have a long run scheduled tomorrow so I cancelled the short 4 I had planned for today.

I am having the Bahama Mama drive me 12.4 miles away from the house and drop me off and go back home. My intention is to run back the 12.4 to get closer to my half marathon distance in a training run. I'm going to wear an empty hydration belt and hide my four small bottles along the way out, then retrieve them as I run home, drink up and load the bottles onto my belt. Hydration and GU is secured. I hope this works well. It's a long run to make on a sore foot without an alternative for getting home. Love to all of you racing this weekend and love to all my DM friends who are just busting ass by yourselves.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Am I getting Old Or Something? I Seem A Little Sore

I took my scheduled day off today. I needed it. I can run fast and I can run long, but if I run fast and long, it takes me an extra day to recover. No big deal here. I plan for that. I'll rest today, cruise 4 miles tomorrow and punish myself again Sunday on my 10 miler. As Charlie Daniels says, "That's how it's done Son."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Run You're Always Waiting For

I ran a 7 mile run on my usual course and nailed it finally. I went out the creek and turned up the hill out Tom's Run to the seven mile turn-around and was right on pace to go under 70 minutes for this course. Actually I had never gone under 75 minutes for this course before but my goal today was to dress and travel light (no water bottles) and try to go under 70 minutes. It was beautiful weather, 52* and no wind. I was dressed perfectly and was slightly cool the whole way. Just the way it should be. On the trip back, I recognized every landmark I had passed in forty years of running this road and knew I was going very well. Finally I climbed the last hill that comes about a half mile from my house and put in in cruise control to finish in 1:09.26. I broke my 70 minutes and beat my old best by at least five minutes. (I'll have to look that up.)

You all will probably say "Yuck" to this but I really got dry during the run. Terribly dry and started looking for a water source. I saw a natural stream pouring out of a rock on the side of a cliff. I made note of it. On the way back from the turn-around I spied a tossed empty Avian water bottle and stuffed it in the back of my pants. When I got back to the stream, I rinsed the bottle, filled it up and fired it down. I tossed it into the first trash can I passed. It was beautiful clear amazingly cold water that I hope doesn't give me Mad Cow. Anyway, I'd do it again and I got a great run. I am pumped and full of confidence now.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Intervals Take Your Soul

Monster interval workout at the gym. Intervals are really the only thing I like about a treadmill. They do give you exact pace and measurement. I ran 8 quarters, 2 @ 10 minute mile pace, 2 @ 9, 2 @ 8 and 2 @ 7 minute mile pace. With short walks I only covered about three miles but that was an afterthought. My concern, of course was how well did I run the fast quarters and I have to say I was never out of breath. I hammered it.

I also weighed in at 177 with all my clothes, shoes, sweat etc. and I feel good about that. My ideal long distance weight is about 160 and I have almost 2 months to get there before the Ogden Half Marathon. I feel great. My foot didn't hurt and my nutrition plan is working. Hell......I'm may just chase down a Kenyan in May. (Hah.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

George Jetson Knew What he Was Doing

My foot still hurt this morning. I tried to run on the treadmill but it was too sore. So I cranked it up to 10* grade and 4.0 speed and power hiked for 20 minutes. That hurt my foot too because I was always pushing off with my toes. I hammered it anyway for the 20 minutes. Hell, I wasn't going home. Then I got on the elliptical and did intervals. I was nice and warm at this point so I hammered for 2 minutes and cruised for 1 minute. That was more fun than I thought it would be. I feel good about this workout.

Oh, by the way. One of you ladies here talked about working out to Adele the other day. I got on I-tunes and got it and took it to the gym. I'm not sure it's workout music but some of the very soulful, slow and powerful songs made me want to go find my wife. So thanks very much for that. My wife may write later. Love to all.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Have An Ouchey

I Have An Ouchey. It's OK though. My foot is stiff and sore but today is a scheduled day off so I will rest up. Maybe tomorrow, if I have to, I'll hit the elliptical for a while but I will probably just run an easy one.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Is That Bright Orb In The Sky And Why Is It Following Me?

What Is That Bright Orb In The Sky And Why Is It Following Me? I ran my 8 mile run but I don't have a time for ya. At the 4.5 mile point I stepped on a rock and hurt my right foot so I kinda hobbled the 3.5 miles back to home. I sort of switched to a heel strike kinda thing, found a good pace and sailed on home but I did turn my watch off. Bad enough being a little hurt but I didn't want to stare at a poor time on my watch all day and wonder what could have been.

Since I overcompensated for my hurt foot, now everything hurts...calves, hips, etc.......but that's OK. I'm hurt, not injured. Big difference. So I'm gonna do the only smart thing to do. NO I'm not going to the doctor! I'm gonna go buy some beer, go out back with the Goddess and celebrate a courageous 8 mile run in the sun! To all my heroes that raced this week....... Godspeed. To all my DM heroes that didn't....have a beer and think kindly of old Pappy.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

According To Dean Karnazes

According to the "Dean Karnazes" rule, I may have a new world record. I ran my Fork Ridge trail 5k in 29:58.81 this morning at 6:00 am. I know that in itself isn't a world record but, and I'll have to check, it may be the first time that a 5k has been run at 29:58 from my house, in the dark, in my shoes, in the snow with one shoelace untied for the last mile. Unless somebody can prove that they have done it, and I haven't seen anybody around my house in untied running shoes, I claim the record.

I will say this though, Nora and Corey and my other DM friends are invited to my house to try to best my world record. But they have to wear my shoes....untied. Tell me what time you are coming.......I'll make lunch.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spirit Of The Marathon

Today was a scheduled recovery day and I took it. I felt fine...could have run...but I did what I should do, rest for the hard efforts.

I have to ask, has anyone seen the movie on Netflix called Spirit of the Marathon? Maybe you all have and I'm the last person who hadn't but yesterday I found this movie under documentaries on Netflix and watched it. It's a story of regular people like us (and one elite) training and running the Chicago Marathon. If you can watch the entire movie and not come to your feet with a lump in your throat cheering for these people, you must not be paying attention. Maybe the best documentary about running I have ever seen. This isn't a commercial here at all. It is just that good. I immediately went to Amazon and bought a copy. Take a peek if you can. Tremendous!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Treadmill Was A Mistake

I was scheduled for a 4 mile tempo run today. I did it, actually five miles, but not as I expected. I peeked outside and the weather was terrible. It was rainy, damp and extremely cold. I made the decision to go to the gym and hit the treadmill. I forgot it was senior citizens day. I love those people but they turn the heat up to about a hundred. I warmed up a mile and had already gone through a bottle of water. It was like running Badwater. I set the 'mill for 8 minute miles and struggled mightily for four miles. I finished in 34:14 cause I was dying in there.

Two things I accomplished today:
1. I got my run in and ran a decent 4 mile tempo run.
2. I am now certified to run in the desert. It couldn't possibly be hotter.

Run hard, stay hydrated and don't give up the ship.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Mile Extreme!

Todays schedule called for strength training. I have a very spartan, but totally massive, weight gym in my basement. Yes of course, everything is situated around the Goddesses stuff but it WILL work you out.

 Today I did Machine benches, Olympic Benches, Lat Pulls, Dead-lifts, Delt Raises, Decline bench Sit-ups, Triceps Press-downs and EZ Bar Curls. It felt good to get back in to the weight room again.

Now I just wonder how sore I will be on tomorrows long run. I hope I can shake it off and get at least eight miles in. I enclosed some pics and my workout board and overall time. It felt great.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ready To Rock & Roll

It's time to Rock 'N Roll now! I've got nine weeks to the Ogden Half marathon in Wheeling, WV (my home town) and it's time to get serious. I went to the gym and hit the treadmill this am. I warmed up a mile and then ran 4 half mile repeats at 8.5 mile pace. A mile cool down and I had just a little over 4 miles total including the recoveries. No time to mess around anymore.

I included a picture of some of my gear spread out on my dining room floor. Maybe tomorrow I'll get a shot of all my shoes. That might be a nice thing for the group. What kind of gear do you use during your many runs? I'd be interested to see. Have a great day and power on.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Felt Good Today...Shoulda Run

Today was a scheduled day off. I didn't sleep in cause I was fresh and ready to run. But rests are scheduled for a reason. I did some sit-ups yesterday. All the push-up and sit-up challenges have inspired me. I've got to get back into some core work. Basically I've just run this year. But the racing season is right around the corner so it's time to get serious. Tomorrow after my intervals, I'm gonna pump some iron.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Terminator - Relentless

I woke up to 23* and 6* wind chill and thought maybe it's time to visit the gym for the first time in a long while. It's not that I was wimping out, hell I run with a headlamp in the dark at 6:00 am lot's of times. But today I just didn't feel like fighting another cold day. I ran 60 minutes on a relentless treadmill and covered 6.5 miles.

Two things I rediscovered at the gym (it's been weeks.)
#1. People want to talk to you at the gym. I'm there to work and people want to talk. I don't mind socializing before or after my workout, I always do, but when I start the belt I don't want bothered. I hope that doesn't sound mean but I'm training for a half marathon in May and I don't want to look like an ass out there. I got work to do. (I do love the old people on the 'mills walking 2 miles an hour. I really honestly do. They could be home soaking their dentures but they are here working out. They are the same older people who refuse to ride the damn scooters at the grocery store while all the fat people fight over them. God bless the ones who at least try.)

#2. A treadmill is the Terminator. If you set it on a 9 minute mile pace, the damn thing goes at 9 minute miles. On the roads I forget that I speed up when I feel good and slow down for a drink of water. The belt doesn't care. It really is great for pace work. It's damn boring! But it will work you with no conscience at all. It will hurt you and not care. I like that about the treadmill.

Ok, I've wasted enough of your time. Corey and crew are actually running races and improving humanity and I am yammering on about dentures and blabbermouths. I enjoyed myself today though. I hope you do too.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

In The Still Of The Night

I ran a very easy 3 miles in 29:31 in anticipation of a hard ten mile effort tomorrow. It was very cold this morning at 6:00 am and still very dark of course. The temp was 21 degrees with a rather substantial wind chill. Since my fall (not a really a bad one but still) I'm a bit tentative to "open up" and fire off into the night with only a headlamp for illumination. And my mile I cover to get to the trail head is all broken sidewalk so I have to be tip toeing all the way. Enough excuses, I got up at 5:00 am and ran into the night while millions of people slept under warm covers. My friends reading this will smile because they know of what I speak. You all do the same and more.

To Corey and all my pals racing today, good luck! Our racing season hasn't started yet so I will keep track of our website and check in for results. I love race reports so please give 'em up! I can't wait to hear from you all. Y'all be careful out there.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tired Tired Tired!

Took a recovery day today. I slept 9 hours the night before last. Then took a nap yesterday afternoon that lasted from 5:00 pm until 9 or 10:00 pm. That is not normal. Then I went to bed and slept the whole night, right through the alarm, and got up at 6:30 am which made me miss my morning run. Something strange is happening. I also woke with a bad cold and a stuffy nose.

I really hope I'm just tired and not getting sick. When I run every other day, I feel great but that volume won't get me ready for a half marathon I don't think. When I run 5 or 6 days a week I start to grow increasingly tired. I need to eat better and push through this, Maybe more after work runs so I can catch up on sleep. We are gonna have to experiment here.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The "Goddess" Earns Her Title

The "Goddess" decided that she wanted to buy me a grill. A monstrous, stainless behemoth that breathes fire and cooks steaks by remote control. I don't know why she decided to do this but I ran a quick 5 miler ( about 42 mins) and went shopping.

I don't cook on the Grill. If I did I would cook a burger and call it a day. The Goddess will have steaks, burgers, zucchini and squash roasting. Maybe add some olive oil covered green onions and fry up some green tomatoes and then toss some veggies on the side burner. I cook hockey pucks.

I love the "Goddess". Wonderful woman. But I'm already wondering (you know what I'm gonna say)... was that grill really for me?

Anyway, I ran a hell of a five miler. Just busted it. What a great day off!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Something Didn't Feel Just Right

Took a day off today. I woke up in a pool of sweat at 3:30 this morning and then suffered with bouts of chills followed by the sweats. I managed to fall back to sleep and then had horrible, scary nightmare type dreams until 6:00 am when I got up and was sick. Elevated heart rate, blah blah blah. I decided it might not be a day for a solo run in the dark. I drank strong coffee, mostly to make the dreams go away,

I'll see how I feel after work. If I can, I'll hit the gym and get my short little 3 in for the day. I hope you all feel well.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Figured The Combination Today

I ran 4 miles around Fork Ridge trail today in a blistering (for me) 33:54. But I figured out the combination. Even on my short runs I had been overdressing, carrying my I-Phone and taking walk breaks as I adjusted my i-pod or took pictures or fiddled with my water bottle. Today I did the "naked run." Before the Goddess reads this and starts gathering bail money I'll explain. I left everything home but my Ironman watch, I under dressed and I decided to run hard. When I got winded I shortened my stride, looked at the deer playing in the creek and and let myself relax for a little. But I kept running.

I found that I could float up hills, cruise down easy descents and, at times hammer the straights. It might have been my best run all year. There is something to be said about distractions on longer runs. I have lots of my friends that run every run with music and I will probably take my gear with me on my long weekend runs. But for now, I've learned a lesson. A run, at least a short one is to run. If I want to hear music, I'll go to a concert.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy In The Sack

Even though today was a scheduled day off, I automatically woke up at 5:00 am. I realized that I didn't have to get up so I laid back and listened to a distant storm roll in.

 My room was lit with faint lightening and the sound of thunder was like big waves pounding on the beach. I snuggled with pooch (he hates even small storms) and fell back to sleep. It's nice to have a guilt free day of rest. Have a nice Monday everyone.